Monday 9 April 2012


The previous couple of houses I´ve uploaded are made for Roselil89 new neighbourhood: The City.
I have actually built this one for her as well, but who knows, maybe she thinks that other people should have a go as well, so I don´t know yet, if it´ll be there or if I just have to save it for the rest of the world :D
You can have it if you like:
It´s a town house inspired by the ones in Ebert´s Villaby I have mentioned before. Built around 1900, I guess, and supposed to house a family from the upper middleclass.
As I write, I realize that I have forgotten to build butler´s or maid´s quarters, you´ll have to add them for yourselves if you can´t live with a maid who lives elsewhere.

Go to the next page if you´d like to see the whole house. I´ve made a slideshow for you!

The house is built on a 29x15 lot at a cost of around  132.000 as far as I remember.
A lovely, older townhouse with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 diningroom , 1 sittingroom and 1 library. 1 tint garden mostly for the looks. Absolutely no CC or store-content.                       
Get Christianesøhus here

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